What are the deeds of evil?
Those that make us question God’s rule?
And what is God’s answer to them?
As citizens of God’s Kingdom we don’t need to be afraid and timidly ask
what would God want to do.
God will always want to bring His Kingdom to earth.
His Kingdom advances where people do His deeds and act the way He wants
them to act, with goodness.
Obedience to King of Kings is to form part of His great story.
He brings truth and light, atonement, healing, freedom, connection,
miracles and caring right there where evil things are happening.
Are we doing the same?
When around us the people ask if God really rules the world.
When our hearts cry the same question.
Then obedience to the True Ruler of the World is invoking Him and His
Spirit so that our words and deeds would change into joyous confession of
Our God Rules!
Beautiful pictures of beautiful flowers..