Thursday, July 31, 2014

Best job in the world - This Throwback Thursday is to all the moms in the world

This Thursday Throwback wants to conmemorate all of us that have the best job in the world - being a mom!

Do you live in the virtual world or in the real world?

How do you balance your work, your home, your blogging, your family, and your children, with everything else?

In Virtual or Real I tell my experiences of living the real life, and the virtual life.

It is always a huge temptation to try to give everything to our children.

Shouldn't we, as moms, help them through the life's difficulties?

Make their way easier and remove those nasty obstacles?

Shouldn't we give them everything their heart wishes for?

So they could be really happy.

In After the Holidays - What did I learn from not giving loads of gifts to my son?  I give my opinion of how much we should give to our children.

I thought I was ready to be a mother and I knew everything that was necessary to know.

Well, that was a gross misconception if there ever has been one.

And I sure learned it the first day I came home from the hospital.

Read about How my son taught me to be a mother

Have you travelled with your child?

You must know that it's not the easiest thing in the world.

Or have you ever been in an airplane, a train or a bus with a child that just screams, or won't behave?

That is not fun either.

You know that group of annoying passengers - the screaming child with the parents that just don't care?

 A pet is part of the family, that is something I have learned.

And this particular pet helped us through such a difficult time.

This is Our new home - Why we love Bailarina

These are my stories of motherhood.

The good, the bad, and, even, the ugly.

I hope you could relate!


  1. I do a lot of my blogging in the morning before my daughter wakes up. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I have all day with her, but I want actual quality time and not just existing in the same room. ...So that's how I divide my time. I just try to do my things when she's busy.

  2. You are so right - children can teach us, too!

  3. As people, we get a lot of gratification from our accomplishments, don't we? It's the same for kids as it is for adults. So that parental thought, "Shouldn't we give them everything their heart wishes for? So they could be really happy." is in error. Kids - and people - want the thrill of overcoming, and of working for success. When my son was young, I gave too much sometimes because I was working and wanted to make up for when I wasn't there. What kids want more than "stuff" is time, attention, love, guidance, and hugs.

  4. I work part time and have two kids and try to blog every night but its hard .x

  5. I'm a SAHM, so a balance to feel like I'm actually giving 100% to each of my children, individually, can be difficult. I usually do my things (like blogging or reading) early in the morning, or right before bed.

  6. Great stories. I have two little daughters, I can relate. Thanks for the article!

  7. I really like your topics of discussion and can relate to quite a few! Who knew everything that Motherhood entails!? lol

  8. Now I understand why Mother is the best job in the world. Thank you for such an inspiring post!

  9. What a great post. Love the picture of your son, he is so handsome and so happy!

  10. My husband and I just talked about this tonight. Sometimes we get caught up on technology and look over and out kids are doing the same thing...I get a sad feeling inside. We've decide to have no tech after hubs comes home and devote the last 30 minutes before bed to spiritual reading and such!
