Monday, January 20, 2014

Home remedy for the flue

In Finland when you have a flue you take homemade hot black currant juice with brown sugar.

The children usually hate it because the taste is so strong and the sugar can’t really hide it.

But you’re told to drink it up, everything, the last bit.

Yes, even the last drop.

And why? Because it’s good for you. That’s why.

That’s what will make you get well, not the doctor.

My grandmother, with coffee, no hot black currant juice here.But in Finland coffee is a proven cure for everything.
So do not worry, she is getting better with every sip.

When I came to Ecuador there were no black currants.

People didn’t have any idea what they were.

There was a huge amount of new fruits, some exotic and tasty, others not so much.

It was a feast for senses, the colors, the shapes, the tastes.

Sweet, tart, juicy, firm, bland, and downright weird.

At first it was a real feast.

I have learned to love guabas, granadillas, maracuyas, guanabanas, ovos and capulis.

They are part of so many other fruits you can find here, and I never even seen prior coming to Ecuador.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
Genesis 1:11-13

But when I got the flu, I still had no idea to do.

I would eat oranges and drink lemonade to get vitamin C.

I would stack up ibuprofen.

But just didn’t feel right.

And I missed my hot black currant juice with brown sugar with its terrible tart taste that would instantly make me feel better.

Because worse the medicine tastes the better it is for you, right?

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
Jeremiah 33:6
Finally I was introduced to Ecuadorian hot lemonade.

I can promise if you do it right, it will taste horrible also.

That is why I have my own version of it.

Still healthy but with a bit more sugar to take away the tartness.

You'll need:


Melissa (toronjil)

Indian sugar or raw sugar


First of all, get some melissa boiling in the water.

After the melissa has boiled for a while,
cut some lemons and squeeze the juice to the water.
You need to save some pieces so you can put
them into the water with melissa.
This is where the hot lemonade gets its tartness.


Cut or grate the Indian sugar into small pieces

and add them in the boiling mix.

Let it boil until you cannot see the pieces

of sugar anymore.



This is actually very tasty, and still healthy, if you use some Indian sugar.

Of course, if the old adage is true, and definitely according to Ecuadorian grandmothers, you need to drink it absolutely without sugar and so hot it will burn your mouth.

That way it will really boost your health and kill that nasty flue.

But I'm lot happier drinking it with my Indian sugar and enjoying it while I drink.

After all, it's not like it's hot black currant juice. 

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Locro de Papa or Traditional Potato Soup


  1. I'm with you on the enjoyment. I'd definitely drink it with the sugar if it still works that way!

    1. It should work. After all sugar will only give it more calories. And if you use raw or Indian sugar it's even relatively healthy.

  2. I like home remedies better than meds.. Thanks for the post..

  3. We use a lot of home remedies. Melissa must be unique to Ecuador. I have never heard if t..

    1. It's toronjil in Spanish. The google translator gave me melissa as translation. I know in Finland it's called Lemon Melissa because of it's lemon like aroma. Maybe you know it by another name Becky?

  4. I have never heard of melissa. It looks like a grass of some sort. I am going to check out the health benefits

    1. It's toronjil in Spanish. It might be called by another name also.

  5. Wow i've got to try this out! seems like a really great idea! and nothing is worse than being home sick with the flu! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I've never tried a home remedy for the flu before! I've also never heard of the fruits you mentioned above! I will have to attempt something like the above if I can find the ingredients next time I get a flu!

    1. There are loads of autoctonous fruits here. I don't like them all, some are so weird but most are really tasty.
      This remedy is really good one. I drank it this weekend and it has helped me a lot already.

  7. Lemonade has wonderful medicinal qualities and I am not surprised that it helps with the flu. Definitely bookmarking this page. Thank you!

  8. That's a wonderful potion for flu!!! I have never heard of Melissa here in USA.. can we replace this with something else? I prefer home remedies than meds

    1. You can do it without melissa also. It still is very efective.

  9. This is great for the flu! I had it last week and it was terrible!

  10. It's so interesting to learn that there are so many fruits, vegetables and herbs around the world with health benefits. I am glad you found something that works for you.

    1. There are a lot of herbs here. I'm learning new things every day, especially about the jungle herbs.

  11. Never heard of such a thing!! Glad you could find an alternative that makes you feel good when you feeling pretty ucky!

    1. It is a good alternative and I didn't even need to the doctors this time when I got the flu.

  12. SO interesting to learn new things and hear about natural remedies. I cant believe the market you showed in your photo! There is a lot of foods that I have not tasted - or even heard of! Stay well. :)

    1. There are a lot of different fruits and herbs here. It is really incredible.

  13. You have a cute grandma! and thank you for the tip! That's such a great alternative to cure a flu :-)

    1. Thank you, Pauline. She's getting old but that's what happens to us all.

  14. I prefer home remedies so this looks like one that works!

    1. Yes, many times home remedies are much more healthier than pharmacy ones.

  15. Very interesting!! It sounds like your Finnish Blackcurrant concoction is similar to Buckley's! Tastes awful but it works! When I'm sick I find hot water, lemon and a splash honey is my drink of choice!

    1. Sounds almost like this one, Jennifer. I think many cultures know how many vitamins lemon really has and how good it is for us.

  16. I love your photographs. I'm not sure I could drink it without sugar!

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I was made to drink it without sugar when I had bronchitis. I think I wanted to die just to not have to drink it, LOL

  17. I think I would need the sugar, but I'll try just about anything to get rid of a cold. Especially if it's natural.

    1. I really recomend this. It's really efective and you can give to children also without a worry.

  18. That is true, Doiron. At least this one works wonders for me.

  19. I have never heard of such a thing. But, I do love some home remedies. Especially for something like the flu.

    1. You can do it without melissa too Stacie. It's toronjil in Spanish, just in case you find it with that name.

  20. What an interesting home remedy for the flu! I can say that I have not tried it before, but it sounds intriguing!

    Jenna Em

  21. I always try different home remedies. Thanks for this. I know there are definitely a lot of vegetables and fruits that aren't in the U.S. but can be found in so many other countries. I think sometimes that's why medicine is expensive, right?

    1. Yes, it must affect the prices to have to grow it first and then get overseas. I really recomend this, even without the melissa.

  22. I just barely got over the flu, but this looks very interesting so I will tuck the recipe away for thr future. We have a hispanic market where I can get the tronjil, so I'm excited! I love the ooen market picture of the produce.

    1. So good to hear you can get toronjil, YAY Leslee :) And the markets here are spectacular.

  23. Sounds like a great remedy. Homemade remedies can never be replaced, right?

    1. No they can't, Marina. There just isn't nothing like them :)

  24. Great post. When I lived in Turkey and had the flue they just gave me more and more boregi... that's kind of heavy for someone who is used to only eat soup when being ill, but it always worked =) I got better in no-time =)

    1. I think home remedies exist for a reason, Milene. There must be something behind them that works. Or people wouldn't insist using them for so long.

  25. That sounds like a great remedy for the flu. Our entire family got our flu shots this year because in our town alone, eleven people have already passed away from the flu including young and old and most of them were all healthy.

  26. Very interesting! I love homemade remedies!! That has to be awesome experiencing all the different fruits available there, too.

  27. Wow that is awesome, love natural remedies, thank you so much for sharing. BTW you may want to take a look at your ad under this post - so does not fit with your blog.

    1. That's the problem with the adds, I have no control over them. I'm seeing an add to cheap flights. Wonder what others are seeing...

  28. I'm always looking for new home remedies for different ailments. Thanks for the step-by-step guide for this. I'm going to remember this one next time my kids get sick!

  29. i far prefer home remedies and natural cures than pharmaceuticals!

  30. I love reading your blog and hearing all your amazing experiences. I would love to see pictures of some of those fruits your mentioned!

  31. I hope you have found another natural cure that works for you. Being sick is no fun. I'd also love to see pictures of the exotic fruits you can find in Ecuador.

    1. This is a very good remedy. I'm actually feeling a lot better already. I will get some pictures of fruits and post them here. There are a lot of them :)

  32. I love drinking teas when I am sick.

    Michelle F.

  33. In my healing journey, I've taken many a things; some decent, some tolerable, and some downright horrible. I'd much prefer dealing with a little less effectiveness than not being able to take or drink something at all because of the taste! This seems like quite the intriguing cure for the common cold. I'd love to be able to try it one of these days :)

    1. I hope you get to try it, Kayla. It really tastes good with the sugar added.

  34. I always just want my Mommy when I'm sick! I'm so glad you found something that is somewhat like home to make you feel a little better when your body is saying otherwise. It sounds.... awful! Drink up!

    1. It is actually really good, Ashley, with the sugar. Without the sugar it's just the most horrible thing ever. And you are supposed to drink it really hot so you'll scorch your mouth to boot.

  35. What a great recipe for home cooked flu/ cold tea. It sounds really good right now, only because its so cold here. Thanks so much!

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Elizabeth. And it is great for the cold.

  36. The flu is terrible. Any remedy that reduces some of its symptoms is a godsend.

  37. I love home remedies. It is go-to before any medicine

  38. A friend and her family have the flu right now I am emailing this to her now!

  39. This sounds like a better idea then what I do with the flu, I just sit back and fight it off naturally; I let my body get used to fighting it alone. It really sucks and makes the experience worst, but I don't ever get the flu now.

    1. This actually helps the body fight, Curtis. The medicine kills body's own defense system also. This boosts it.

  40. I think I agree with your Grandma and will stick to coffee as a cure all!! I never tried hot black current juice-not sure I want to! I have had hot lemon aide --with LOTS of sugar added!!!! Chicken soup still works best for me.

    1. I think we all have our own favorite remedies. It they work, stick with it :)

  41. I would way rather enjoy it, like you. But it does sound good. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Going organic is still the safest remedy for any ailments. Thanks for the article.

  43. Thank you for this dear! Will surely help everyone!

  44. How sweet that you share about your grandma. JUst like your Nonna, my Mom can't go on in a day without having a drink of coffee.

    1. I call her Mummi, it comes from Swedish mormor, mother's mother.

  45. The Black Currant juice is interesting to me because there is no black currant here in the Philippines.

    1. I don't know if I should recomend it... but if you have a change, try it, lol

  46. I would rather use home remedies than Rx meds. They work better for me.

    1. I hope you can find the ingredients to try this one, Cyndie

  47. Hi, I was introduced to blackcurrants but not your cure, 36 years ago when I went to live in England from my native Argentina. It became my favourite: blackcurrant jam - not quite your remedy! Furthermore I will try your recipe/s depends what I find here in Spain. Great blog.

    1. The jam is really good, Liliana. Because it has a lot of sugar :)
      I think you should find all the ingredients in Spain. Try with the Spanish name, toronjil. And thank you.

  48. Melissa with lemon is really good, a natural remedy for the flu. I like black currant too, if only prices here in Canada was not that high during winter.

    Fan R @TeddyOutReady

    1. So great to find some else who recognizes melissa, YAY, Fan :) It must be expensive, Finland is the same during the winter. That is why everyone does blackcurrant juice during the summer and saves it for the winter. Or not everyone anymore, but before it was a staple at every house.

  49. I wonder if Melissa essential oil could be substituted for the actual Melissa. I don't have a clue where I could find Melissa locally. I can order Melissa from my essential oil company although it is really expensive. Must be powerful stuff!

    1. If it's edible it should be OK, Cyndi. After all esential oils retain the working ingredients.

  50. I hadn't heard of this remedy before. I hate the flu, who doesn't right?

  51. I would love to taste all those fruits you mentioned (well some of them). This is my first time to your blog and I love that you include Bible verses in your pictures. Natural remedies and God --the way life is supposed to be!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the blog, April I am planning to post more pics of fruits from here, bit by bit, or bite by bite :)

  52. nothing is better for healing the body then all natural cures it's what the body craves

  53. I think I'll stick to chicken soup :)

  54. We have a lot of home remedies like this in my area. My daughter drinks hot water with lemon and honey for colds and sore throats.

  55. oh this is a fantastic natural remedy! A bit jealous you can have Natural melissa right there in your back yard! That stuff is expensive here in the states! We use Melissa oil when we get sick; I diffuse it through the house. Drink hot lemonade and make chicken noodle soup.

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Amber. Melissa is not from my backyard but from my friends backyard. The lemons are from my backyard though.

  56. I've never heard of either of these! But I'm glad you've found something that's helped you to feel better!

  57. We had the flu over Christmas and it was AWFUL! I've never heard of either of these drinks, but maybe I will look into it not time we come down with the bug (hopefully not too sooN!)

  58. Wow, this is actually the first time I heard of that remedy. I always want it natural way before going to the doctor as I believe they are for the worst case - if you can still do something about it - then do it, right?

    1. It's always better to boost our own defense, Aisha, than bomb it with chemicals.

  59. As I blogged about it today, I love using natural remedies for things before taking chemicals. Thanks for the advice!

    1. Glad you liked it, Tess. And great minds do think alike... lol

  60. Lots of rest is always helpful when you have the flu

  61. I love home remedies - I much prefer that than taking tons of the over the counter medicine.

  62. It seems like my sister always has the flu! I'm going to have to get her to try some of these next time! Thanks for sharing these are great!

  63. Home remedies work so much better. I need to remember this one!

  64. If drinking tart juice with sugar works for getting over feeling sick, I'm all for that. I hate the taste of medicine; this might be more palatable.

    1. I think it's the tartness so you'll want to get better sooner, Liza. But it's supposed to be the vitamins, lol

  65. I haven't heard of either of these for the flu, but this is great information to keep tucked in the back of my mind!

  66. I have heard of the hot blackcurrant also for the adults here we have hot squeezed lemon and add some whiskey and a little pure honey works a treat the kiddies always want it so we have to pretend we gave them the whiskey one lol..thank you for sharing this i would love to try it out but i must have the sugar otherwise i would not take it :-).

    1. That sounds like an efective remedy also, Kay. Maybe I'll try it one day :)

  67. From finland to Ecuador. Many differences and for you had to be a cultural shock at least for the fist time. Thank you for the recipe, its always good to try different things for the flu and not always go for medicines.

    1. You are welcome, Eleftheria. And it has been a quite a change.

  68. How interesting to learn how other cultures use different drinks and fruits to feel better for a cold or flu. Thanks for sharing and giving a homemade "feel better recipe"

  69. I just came back to this post to let you know I shared it with someone I know who is suffering from the flu.

  70. Everyone has a home remedy for flu. My mom makes ginger tea with honey or black pepper tea (which is a killer). FYI, Indian sugar is also known as jaggery.

    1. Ginger is very good too and honey. But black pepper must be another feel better or... lol. Jaggery, I'll remember that.

  71. That actually sounds really tasty! Better than a lot of the medicines I use for cold symptoms. I'd rather try natural first anyway. Thanks for the recipe!

  72. Where was this post last week?! We had the flu in our home and I was looking for any and everything to cure it. We're all better now, but I will definitely be putting this recipe away for the next time we get sick! Thank you.

  73. I like taking natural remedies way more than medications. When I get the sick, hot tea is always the first thing that I try.

    1. I prefer them also. Better to boost our own defense than bomb it.

  74. You have such a great talent for description! It is such an adventure moving to a new place and exploring all new things! So happy you found a good flu remedy.

    1. Thank you, Michelle, it means a lot. This has been quite a ride and I enjoy finding new adventures and experiences. But when sick you do miss the old and familiar.
